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Message from the Mayor of Braga

Welcome message from Dr. Ricardo Rio, the Mayor of Braga

It is with great enthusiasm that Braga welcomes the 19 teams participating in the European Women's Lacrosse Championship taking place in our city.

This is yet another opportunity for Braga and the entire region to demonstrate our ability to host sporting events that leave their mark on the national and international scene, a capacity that has been proven on numerous occasions.

In recent years, we have not only successfully positioned Braga as a destination for major sporting events, but also promoted sports participation among our citizens as a fundamental element of a healthy lifestyle and improved quality of life.

This European Championship is another platform for the city to showcase its youthful energy, innovative spirit and vibrant atmosphere, all of which will be amplified by the contagious energy and enthusiasm of the athletes participating in the event.

I sincerely hope that everyone who comes to Braga, from athletes and coaches to managers, can enjoy the welcoming spirit of our city and its people. May your experience in Braga be exceptional, filled with lasting memories!

Furthermore, I would like to acknowledge the European Lacrosse Federation for their tireless efforts in organizing this championship and for choosing Braga as the host city. This event not only promotes women's lacrosse but also fosters cultural exchange and international friendship, which are essential values for our community.

Ricardo Rio

Presidente da Câmara Municipal de Braga | Mayor of Braga

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